Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Why another 'Story of Jesus'?

In the early centuries of Christianity, many churches used a combined version of the three synoptic gospels, known as the Diatessaron of Tatian. But because Tatian had held what were seen as heretical views, his book was eventually suppressed.

For that reason and others, church elders have tended to shy away from the use of "harmonies," which not only combine the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke but also smooth out conflicting material.

Yet, we know that Matthew contains more than 90 percent of Mark, much of it virtually word for word -- though a number of Markan passages have been revised for doctrinal reasons. Similarly, Luke has adopted much of Mark, in some cases making editorial changes.

Also, John shows familiarity with Luke and perhaps with Matthew and Mark.

While I am quite content to have the gospels in their independent, canonical forms, I can see room for a new combined version, the purpose of which is to get the message of redemption and salvation out in a readable, modern American form of English. While it is true that there are many easy-reading English translations of the New Testament available, we don't have a basic Story of Jesus that can be read on the bus by the harried commuter.

That is the purpose of The Story of Jesus, or Everything you need to know about Christ but were afraid to ask, which I propose to put into print.

The reader is to be forewarned that the book is intended to tell a story based on the New Testament, but its purpose is not to resolve all the puzzles that have perplexed readers over the years. The narrative that is laid out is based on Scripture, but that does not mean it is the only narrative possible. Still, I hope that the reader will find a great deal of value here. On the other hand, the reader is urged to check the canonical accounts given in the New Testament.

Mulling a commentary on <i>Hebrews</i>

I think my idea for a 'Streamlined Gospel' (post below) will be covered once 'Jesus Christ's Miracle Cure Book' (tentati...